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6 Things Women Can Do Much Better Than Men

Gender bias has always been a bone of contention between men and women, probably ever since humans evolved. In the modern times, men and women are thought to be on an equal footing. But, one look around is enough to make you realise that the society's bias towards men is truly unending. However, though our society boasts of men as the superior being, you cannot grudge the fact that women can do a lot of things better than men. Here, we bring you a list of six such irrefutable facts.
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#1 Women handle stress better

You may say, women break out into an emotional gush of tears during a crisis. But once the tears abate, a woman can think more clearly and can stay more composed in times of adversity. Studies have shown that when men and women were stressed to a similar degree, women performed better in the intelligence tests. Women have a stronger survival instinct; after all she is the propagator of our species.

#2 Women are better at sustaining relationships

You don’t see a lot of women suffering from 'commitment phobia', do you? When a woman is serious about a relationship, she gives everything to it. She can perceive the needs of a relationship better than her man and act accordingly. Call her sentimental if you want, but when it comes to enduring relationships, women have an upper hand.

#3 Women are better at communicating

Women are more verbal than men; they speak their minds openly and do not mind shedding a tear or two if the moment demands. They do not cut off communication in case of a conflict, or turn a deaf ear (which is the most common male response). Science has proved that a woman’s brain can process and analyse a lot more words, feelings and emotions. So, women are definitely better at communicating.

#4 Women are better with finances

Women are more careful, more attentive and more guarded about finances. They do not invest rashly or have as many financial losses as men do. This is probably why households run so smoothly in India as compared to many other countries in the world, because here it is usually the women who manage household budgets.
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#5 Women are better at multitasking

A woman can manage her home and office more efficiently. Not just that, she can iron your shirt, help her children with homework, cook dinner, prepare a business presentation and help find solutions to her family’s problems, all at the same time. Since women have better concentration and memory, they are superior at multitasking.
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#6 Women have sharper memories

She remembers the moment she first met someone, she always remembers the grocery list at the back of her hand and all the times her heart was broken. Ask them anything and you will know!

This is definitely not an exhaustive list. You may have also observed that women are definitely neater and more organised than men. And, we are sure you can think of so many more yourself!
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